
DIBS_Logo Dynamic ISO Building Simulator (DIBS) is a simulation program for calculating the space heating, occupancy hot water, cooling and electricity demand of German non-residential buildings. Further the DIBS calculates the heating value based energy uses, the primary energy and the greenhouse gas emission based on the defined factors of the German building energy ordinance (Gebäudeenergiegesetz). The adapted hourly dynamic building energy simulator for single buildings and building stocks is ready to use with minimal input data. The underlying resistance-capacity-model is based on the simplified hourly method of ISO 13790:2008. DIBS is based on the RC_BuildingSimulator and represents an extension of capabilities and adaptation to the requirements of the ENOB:dataNWG project.

The Dynamic ISO Building Simulator has been developed in context of the ‘ENOB:DataNWG Forschungsdatenbank Nichtwohngebäude’ ( project and the project ‘FlexGeber - Demonstration of flexibility options in the building sector and their integration with the energy system in Germany’ at Institut Wohnen und Umwelt (IWU), Darmstadt.

ENOB:DataNWG Funding code: Fkz.: 03ET1315
Project duration: 01.12.2015 until 31.05.2021

FlexGeber Funding code: Fkz.: 03EGB0001
Project duration: 01.10.2017 until 31.07.2022

ENOB:LezBAU Funding code: Fkz.: 03EN1074A
Project duration: 01.01.2023 until 31.12.2025

All funded by:

in accordance with the parliamentary resolution of the German Parliament
