Welcome to the Dynamic ISO Building Simulator (DIBS) Overview! The DIBS project consists of four packages designed to facilitate building simulation tasks:

  1. dibs_computing_core contains the core calculation functionality for the building simulations.
  2. dibs_datasource_csv provides utilities to handle CSV input files, which are commonly used as data sources in the default input file type for DIBS building simulations.
  3. dibs_data contains auxiliary data, such as occupancy schedules or weather files, required for the that aids in building simulation tasks.
  4. dibs_cli provides a command-line interface (CLI) tool which allows users to simulate buildings using the functionality provided by dibs_computing_core.

For more detailed information on each package and its functionalities, please refer to the README.md of each package:

  1. dibs_computing_core README.md
  2. dibs_datasource_csv README.md
  3. dibs_data README.md
  4. dibs_cli README.md